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Master in Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud


₹ 9999


12 Weeks

40% off for first 30 students

About the Course

The modular approach to software architecture, breaking down applications into small, independent services, fostering agility, scalability, and resilience in modern development. Check syllabus and register to join the upcoming live batch.

Module 1: Introduction to Microservices Architecture

1. Overview of microservices architecture

2. Advantages and challenges of microservices

3. Contrasting microservices with monolithic architectures

Module 2: Introduction to Spring Boot

1. Overview of Spring Boot

2. Setting up a Spring Boot project

3. Creating RESTful APIs with Spring Boot

Module 3: Spring Boot Essentials

1. Spring Boot auto-configuration

2. Externalized configuration with Spring Boot

3. Spring Boot Actuator for monitoring and managing microservices

Module 4: Building Microservices with Spring Boot

1. Designing microservices architecture

2. Implementing microservices using Spring Boot

3. Inter-service communication and service discovery with Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka

Module 5: Spring Cloud Config

1. Centralized configuration management with Spring Cloud Config Server

2. Dynamic configuration updates and versioning

Module 6: Service Registration and Discovery

1. Service registration and discovery with Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka

2. Building resilient microservices with client-side load balancing using Ribbon

Module 7: Communication between Microservices

1. Synchronous communication with REST

2. Asynchronous communication with Spring Cloud Stream and RabbitMQ/Kafka

Module 8: Distributed Tracing and Monitoring

1. Implementing distributed tracing with Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin

2. Monitoring microservices with Spring Boot Actuator and Prometheus

Module 9: Circuit Breaker Pattern

1. Implementing fault tolerance with the Circuit Breaker pattern

2. Integration of resilience patterns with Spring Cloud Netflix Hystrix

Module 10: API Gateway with Spring Cloud Gateway

1. Introduction to API Gateways

2. Building API Gateway with Spring Cloud Gateway

3. Implementing cross-cutting concerns like rate limiting, authentication, and authorization

Module 11: Distributed Data Management

1. Introduction to distributed data management

2. Implementing distributed caching with Spring Boot and Redis

3. Distributed transaction management with Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin

Module 12: Security in Microservices

1. Securing microservices with Spring Security and OAuth2

2. Role-based access control and token-based authentication

Module 13: Event-Driven Microservices

1. Event-driven architecture principles

2. Implementing event-driven microservices with Spring Cloud Stream and Kafka

Module 14: Deployment and Scaling

1. Containerization with Docker and Docker Compose

2. Orchestrating microservices with Kubernetes

3. Implementing auto-scaling and self-healing microservices

Module 15: Best Practices and Patterns

1. Best practices for designing, developing, and deploying microservices

2. Implementing patterns like Saga, CQRS, and Event Sourcing in microservices architecture

Module 16: Case Studies and Real-world Projects

1. Analyzing case studies of successful microservices implementations

2. Working on real-world projects to reinforce learning and apply concepts

Your Instructor

Krishna Baghel

- 12 Years SDE Experience

-  Ex SDE in TCS, UHG

Krishna Baghel

Krishna Baghel is a Java technical architect and corporate trainer, He has 12 years of experience in IT MNC's. He have sound knowledge in Java related technologies like Java, Struts, Spring, Hibernate,Springboot, Microservice, AWS, Springboot, Kafka, Azure, Google Cloud, Kubernates, Redis and various ORM framework and more.
He welcomes you to start a learning journey with free demo classes.

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